Our Experiences and activities
Biodiverse Olive groves
Collaboration in the management of the Biodiverse Olive Groves pilot project, which aims to demonstrate how traditional olive grove management and measures for greater structural diversity enhance the region’s typical and now rare plants and animals. Monitoring of fauna and flora for the planning of measures to protect and promote biodiversity in olive groves. On behalf of the Swiss association ‘Produkte aus Naturschutzprojekten’; since 2022 and ongoing.

Organization and realization of many different excursions and workshops leaded by certified environmental excursion guides, about, biodiversity, organic agriculture, green energy, river ecosystem and other themes for children, schools, families and adults through all Siena Province and other Protected Areas in Tuscany. Participation to many environmental initiatives and events in the municipalities of Siena Province. Activities funded by different organizations. Since 2010 ongoing.

Scientific Services
Monitoring activities and data collection about the impact of road traffic on wildlife mortality in the province of Siena, within the European project LIFE11 BIO/IT/000072-LIFE STRADE “Demonstration of a system for the management and reduction of collisions between vehicles and wildlife”. On behalf of Siena Province Administration, Department of Fauna Resources and Protected Areas; 2013-2016 http://www.lifestrade.it/index.php/en/

Management and coordination of the Siena Province Protected Areas' Visitor Center
Management and coordination of the “Centro Direzionale ed Educativo del Sistema delle Riserve Naturali della Provincia di Siena” in Monticiano (CDERN) (Directional and Educational Center of the Protected Areas’ System of Siena Province). Coordination and promotion of the Visit Centers of the Protected Areas of Siena Province and organization of environmental tours and excursions through the implementing of high trained licensed guides. Organization of training, workshops and expositions about conservation and biodiversity environmental issues for both experts and local people. Technical service and security assistance for the Auditorium and exposition centre. Organization of events and documentaries festival about biodiversity issues. Implementation of summer camps for children from 3 until 14 years old. 2011-2013

environmental education on fresh water ecology
Partecipation to the project about environmental education in Siena Province public schools on fresh water ecology focused on fishes and fishing “Laboratorio di educazione ambientale con riferimento alla fauna ittica ed alla pesca” funded by the Provincial Administration of Siena Department of Wildlife Resources and Protected Areas. In collaboration with PROECO 2009-2011

Activities in the Siena Nature Reserves
Organization of events on the occasion of the European Day of Parks and “May in the Nature Reserves” of the Province of Siena in collaboration and with the contribution of the Provincial Administration of Siena, Wildlife Resources and Protected Areas, with the participation of Terme di Petriolo, Gruppo Storico of Castelvecchio, Academy of Fisiocritici, Abies Alba, Erbandando, GAE and agricultural companies; May 2011

Species Servizi e Consulenze a.t.p.
Via dello spuntone 53 53034 Colle di Val d'Elsa (SI)
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